
Applications are now open for Fall 2025.

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The W&J Experience

October 25 The W&J Experience

这种独特的经历为被录取的学生提供了体验W大学生活的机会&J President. 与招生人员、未来的同学见面,与在校学生一起体验det365app. This is an event you won’t want to miss.

Register Now
21日,在总统官邸,招生顾问正在与学生交谈, 2019年在华盛顿的Creosote影响照片拍摄期间 & Jefferson College.

W&J Washington County Reception

Are you an admitted Washington County student? Join us for an evening celebrating you! Meet other Washington County students, W&J staff, Faculty, and current students.

Register Now
5月1日,学生们与乔治·华盛顿和托马斯·杰斐逊的雕像合影留念, 2019 at Washington & Jefferson College.

Discovery Day at W&J

November 11 Discovery Day at W&J

加入det365app,探索一天,发现在华盛顿当总统是什么感觉 & Jefferson College. During Discovery Day you can explore academic offerings, take a campus tour, and meet members of the W&J community.

Register Now

Majors &


Encouraging intellectual growth, passionate focus, 专业准备是det365app所有课程的目标. While at W&J you will select two areas of study combining majors, minors, or emphasis to help broaden your skills, experience a diverse curriculum, and build a marketable pre-professional resume. 探索det365app的课程,想象你可以建立的未来.




W&毕业生的品质得到了主要雇主和顶尖研究生院的认可, maturity, 并随时准备在他们选择的职业中占有一席之地.


Magellan Projects

麦哲伦计划使探索世界成为可能. 你可以探索你的研究领域或从事一个激情项目. 每个项目都以一个想法开始,以对周围世界的新理解结束.



Internships help students make professional connections. The great news is that by utilizing W&J's alumni and professional network, 团队将帮助你找到合适的机会,并提供资源帮助你脱颖而出.

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Ethical Leadership

Ethical Leadership is built into the curriculum. 学生学习如何培养一个尊重和包容的社区, 领导解决道德问题和冲突, and advocate for ethical values that lead to change.

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Professional Pathways

专业课程旨在帮助每位学生做好专业准备. 学生们在入学的第一学期就开始通过专业途径来辨别兴趣, sharpen skills and pursue long-term dreams.


Unsurpassed Value

Unsurpassed value at an affordable price at W&J. det365app相信为学生提供负担得起的教育. Through our generous merit scholarships, institutional grants, and other financial aid, you will reach an attainable bottom line.


Two Areas of Study

两个研究领域帮助学生建立一个全面的课程和探索所选专业的各个方面. Whether through a minor or second major, 有两个领域为你提供了多样化技能的机会.


Entrepreneurial Experiences

所有学生都可以参加创业体验活动. det365app的企业孵化器Ignite位于校园内,为创业提供基础.

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Campus Life

At W&J, 你将成为一个才华横溢、引人入胜的学生团体的一员,他们的能力得到了认可, dedication, and integrity.


Alumni Network

Whether living close to campus or around the globe, W&J的网络超过16,000名在世校友帮助学生实现他们的梦想.

Life at


Student & Faculty


W&J Changemakers

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 2.59.08 PM

Joey ’24 – Tips on becoming a changemaker

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 2.58.57 PM

Jack ’24 – Selfless act of kindness

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 2.56.34 PM

Grace ’27 – LuLu’s Free Store


Commencement 2024

W&J Celebrates Class of 2024

May 18, 2024

W&J Celebrates Class of 2024

W&J announces 2024 commencement and baccalaureate speakers

April 30, 2024

W&J announces 2024 commencement and baccalaureate speakers

W&J recognizes students at annual Honors Convocation

April 22, 2024

W&J recognizes students at annual Honors Convocation

Dr. 伊丽莎白·麦克劳德·沃尔斯被任命为华盛顿第14任总统 & Jefferson College

February 27, 2024

Dr. 伊丽莎白·麦克劳德·沃尔斯被任命为华盛顿第14任总统 & Jefferson College


February 26, 2024
